Thursday, May 27, 2010

Days 17 & 18, Castles and the Boat City

Day 17: Castles of the Czesthowa region. Today we got to play. We began the morning by meeting with the mayor of Oslyn (sp?) and touring the old castle ruins. We then were greeted by a fabulous 26 year old daughter of one of the local rotaians who toated us around town in her "farmer high heels". Meaning heels with a wider heel, she is from Warsaw and used to wearing stilettos every where. So up the rocky hill side she climbed with us to the top of the castle remains. We then made our way to her father's restaraunt which is an old grainery building with a thatch roof! If we get a better internet connection I'll try to post pictures. The rest of the afternoon found us meeting with another mayor and visiting even more castle remains including an old castle that is being restored. It was AMAZING and so huge! The investor who bought it (can you imaine purchasing a Castle with your personal money?!?) is hoping to turn it in to a museum and then is building a cottage looking hotel next to it. Poland is one of the best kept secrets of Europe and many of the smaller villages are hoping to capitalize on tourism as a way to revitilaze and make their towns prosperous.

Day 18: Lodz (pronounced Wooj) or Boat city. We moved on to our next city yesterday. It's much bigger than the last, approximately 800,000 people. It's called the boat city because it sits up higher and has never been flooded. We have host stays once again, Kim and I lucked out though, we've been put up in a flat to ourselves! The guys are all off to separate places once again. Lodz has 4 Rotary clubs, one all men and three are mixed, one of the clubs is very young where all but 2 members are under the age of 40. Today we went around the city with Julia, she is the 27 year old daughter of our GSE coordinator. She is a spit fire and a lot of fun. Her and her boyfriend took us to several of the old textile factories and the "summer home" of the Herbst family who had been given the mini palace as a wedding gift. In the afternoon we went to a home for disabled children because one of the Rotary clubs was receiving an award for the work they have done for the home over the last 10 years. The theme was Native American and they were celebrating much like we would celebrate cinco de Mayo with the kids wearing paper had dresses and feather necklases. From there we went to dinner (lunch) at 3pm and then to another Rotary Club meeting. Our days don't start until 11am this week so we didn't cram too much in. Tomorrow morning I'm going swimming at the indoor acquatic center of the place that John is staying at and then we another vocational day tomorrow.

I'll write more (and hopefully post photos) when I get the chance. Thanks for reading!

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